XML Sitemap Generator - Free Unlimited Pages

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Site URL:
Optional Sitemap Types
ROR sitemap
HTML sitemap
Text sitemap
Image sitemap
Video sitemap
Opens in a new window
Last Modification
Server's response
Current time
Frequency - Priority
Automatic priority
Exclude URLs
Include Only URLs
Do not crawl URLs
Sitemap Limits
Maximum pages
Depth level
Maximum URLs
Max file size (MB)
Misc. Settings
Canonical Url Meta Tag
Hreflang Tag
Resume Interrupted Session
E-mail me Sitemaps
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Sitemaps generated :   1,270,697
Indexed pages :   1,316,097,602
Pages Size:   85.66 TB

XML Sitemap Generator features

Free Users
  • Generates free online xml, ror, html, text sitemap.
  • Unlimited number of pages Sitemap. (Memory limit in effect*)
  • Last modification time.
  • Change frequency.
  • Manual or automatic priority.
  • Exclude URLs.
  • XML sitemap Validator.
  • Broken link checker.
  • Sign Up  $29.95 / 1y or $18.95 / 6 mo. No rebill
  • Generate image and video sitemap.
  • Set max indexed pages and max depth level.
  • Set max URLs and max file size (file splits across multiple files)
  • Include Only URLs.
  • Do not crawl URLs.
  • Canonical Url meta tag detection.
  • Hreflang attribute detection.
  • Sessions interrupted for any reason will resume automatically.
  • Stop sitemap creation and continue at a later time.
  • No need to stay connected. Get your Sitemap files by email.

About XML Sitemap


What is XML Sitemap ?
XML Sitemap is an XML file that lists the pages for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how often it changes, and how important it is, relative to other URLs in the site) . Sitemap informs search engines that listed pages are available for crawling. Web crawlers usually discover pages from links within the site and from external links to the site. Sitemaps supplement this data to allow crawlers to pick up all URLs in the Sitemap and learn about those URLs using the associated metadata.

What is ROR Sitemap ?
ROR (Resources of a Resource) sitemap is an XML format that describes web content as classified objects. ROR expands on the RSS protocol with its own extensions. It is describing any object on a website (sitemaps, services, products, menus, reviews, images, contact info, etc), so any search engines can better understand its content.

What is HTML Sitemap ?
HTML site maps are spidered by every search engine providing them with page links. They can also be used for your visitors when they visit your site.

What is TXT Sitemap ?
A sitemap in Text format is suitable as an alternative sitemap for some search engines.

How big can a XML Sitemap be ?
XML Sitemaps should be no larger than 10MB (10,485,760 bytes) and can contain a maximum of 50,000 URLs.

Where do I place Sitemap files ?
Download your sitemap.xml file and upload it to root directory of your website.
In case of multiple xml sitemaps, download sitemap.zip file, unzip it and upload all files to root directory of your website.

Get additional information about sitemaps here: www.sitemaps.org

XML Sitemap Creation

With our free online XML Sitemap generator you can very easy create your sitemap. First type in your URL and then select the parameters you may wish to change. (change frequency, last modification date and page priority. You may also alter default settings for exclude extensions, do not parse extensions and session ids. In the next fields you can declare which URLs you want to exclude from sitemap (see example below). Finally you may select the maximum number of pages and the depth level. Optionally you can select to create additional sitemaps, like ROR sitemap, HTML sitemap or TXT sitemap.

What is "Page changing frequency" ?
Change frequency affects when and how often search engine spiders visit your site’s pages. It may have one of seven values: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never. This tells the search engines how often each page is updated. An update refers to actual changes to the HTML code or text of the page.

What is "Last modification date" ?
This parameter can take one of the next three values:
Server's response. Set the date of last modification of the file using server response headers. This value, gives crawlers the information to not recrawling documents that have not changed. We recommend to keep this setting.
Current time. Set the date of last modification of the file using the current date and time.
None. Do not use any value for Last modification of the files.

What is "Page priority" ?
The Priority is set to a number between zero and one. If no number is assigned, priority is set to 0.5. This number determines the priority of a particular URL relative to other pages on the same site. A high priority page may be indexed more often and appear above other pages from the same site in search results. Automatic priority reduces the priority of a page depending on depth level.

What is "Depth Level" ?
Depth level of a page means how many clicks away is this page from homepage.

What is "Exclude extensions" ?
Files with these extensions found in your website pages are not included in sitemap (not crawled). Separate input values with spaces.

What is "Do not parse extensions" ?
Files with these extensions will not be fetched in order to save bandwidth, because they are not html files and have no embedded links but will be included in the sitemap. Separate input values with spaces.

What is "Session IDs" ?
If URLs on your site have session IDs in them, you must remove them. Including session IDs in URLs may result in incomplete and redundant crawling of your site. Common session IDs: PHPSESSID, sid, osCsid. Separate with spaces.

What is "Exclude URLs" ?
URLs that contain these strings (or regex) will not be included on sitemap. Input values one per line.
e.g. 1 Use string: component/ in order to exlude all pages in www.yoursite.com/component/
If regex, add in the end: \s* (example: blo[a-zA-Z]\s*)
e.g. 2 If you have any of the following websites, you may exclude these strings: (copy and paste to Exlude URLs box)

Joomla website WordPress website vBulletin website

What is "Include Only URLs "?
ONLY URLs that contain these strings (or regex) WILL BE included on sitemap. Input values one per line.
If regex, add in the end: \s* (example: blo[a-zA-Z]\s*)

What is "Do not crawl URLs "?
In order to increase sitemap creation speed, do not fetch pages that contain these strings (or regex) in url. These pages WILL BE included in sitemap, however any links inside these pages will not be indexed. Input values one per line.
If regex, add in the end: \s* (example: blo[a-zA-Z]\s*)

What is "Set max URLs "?
The XML Sitemaps Protocol limits each XML sitemap file to maximum 50.000 urls. In order to overcome this limitation, we can create multiple XML sitemap files and link them with an XML sitemap index file. Our Sitemap Generator automatically splits sitemap file across multiple files, including an XML sitemap index file.

What is "Set max file size" ?
The XML Sitemaps Protocol limits each XML sitemap file size to 10MB (uncompressed). In order to overcome this limitation, we can create multiple XML sitemap files and link them with an XML sitemap index file. Our Sitemap Generator automatically splits sitemap file across multiple files, including an XML sitemap index file.

What is "Canonical Url meta tag" ?
A canonical page is the preferred version of a set of pages with similar content. If you have multiple URLs that point to the same page, you can specify a canonical page to search engines by adding a <link> element with the attribute rel='canonical' to the <head> section of the non-canonical version of the page. ie. <link rel="canonical" href="http://www.example.com/product.php?item=sp1" />

What is "Hreflang Tag" ?
The hreflang attribute (rel="alternate" hreflang="x") used by Google to specify the language and optional geographic restrictions for a webpage.
Hreflang annotation is meant to cross-reference pages that are similar in content, but target different audiences.
You can target different audiences with hreflang according to their language and/or their country.
This ensures that the correct pages will be shown to the correct users when they search on the versions of Google search that you are targeting.
Code Sample: <link rel="alternate" href="http://example.com" hreflang="en-us" />
Read more here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/189077?hl=en

(*) What is "Memory limit in effect "?
It means that the currently allowed memory size of server is approaching its limit and sitemap creation will stop. The Sitemap files will be partially finished. In that case, try again, using the following settings:
1. Keep "Optional Sitemap Types" Disabled (Do NOT check ROR,HTML,Text,Image and Video Sitemap boxes).
2. Consider using "Exclude URLs" and "Do not crawl URLs" filters.
3. Consider using "Depth level" option to limit the crawling depth.
In case that you are still facing problems, please contact us for help.
Notice that the memory limit applied for members, are much bigger.

Is it safe using XML Sitemap Generator?

Our Sitemap Genarator crawls pages in your website that are not restricted by your robots.txt file or any search engine, which means that are accessible by anyone. Web pages that included in robots.txt or have a rel=nofollow tag or a noindex tag to tell robots not to index the content of a page, and/or not scan it for links to follow, will not be included in your sitemap files.

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